Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Branson is a STAR KEIKI!!!!!!

Well.....It has been sooooo long since i last posted!!! Our camera acutally broke right after Christmas and so we finally got a new one (well about 6 weeks ago) and now I'm back to my picture takin ways!!! Branson attends a Military Private School called Navy Hale Keiki, which is funny because translated into english means Navy White Kid!!!!! (Ya gotta love the Hawaiin Lingo!!!) Each month they give out awards to good students and this month Branson got one and we are sooooooooooo proud of him!! He is such an amazing boy and I know he will grow to an amazing man!! The pictures just above the paragraph are in the common area of the school and each morning all the grades gather and and say the pledge to the flag and then sing " The star spangled banner". While watching them perform their morning routine I was very emotinal because I realized these kids at such a young age have already sacraficed so much for this beautiful counry. Many family's including ours have sacrificed having a Father or Mother around for the better part of there lives. Scott works very long hours (about 100-110 hours a week) when his submarine is in port and he was gone over 8 months last year and has been gone for over 6 weeks since January. I have a lot of respect for military kids as they really do bear alot of burden to help support their parents to fight for our country!! WOW, well back on track. We are soooooo proud Branson and i feel sooooo blessed that he sets such a good example for Eli and is so kind, tender and patient with him because Eli is generaly hot on his tracks following him around the house trying to be just like him!!!

P.S. I have to confess that i have only had 2 hours of sleep today because i worked last night and so if my post is a bit discombobulated (how's that for a word???!!! I'm not sure if it even is one but ya get my point!) I'm using sleep deprivation as a excuse!!!


DaViD aNd TaBiThA rOmRiElL said...

Your to funny. How exciting for Branson. He is a great kid! Are they excited for grandma to come? How are things? David wanted me to ask if your friend finally got there baby? Hope everything is good. We miss you tons and can't wait to see you again!

Erin Wageman said...

aawwww.. Thats so cute!! Congratulations Branson! I really want to come see you guys but I don't know when it will happen!! but I really really want to!! But on an up note, I got to hold Omie yesterday, She is so flippin cute, even Miah held her for awhile. okay well have a nice day, I'm counting them down for you!!

Anonymous said...

Branson is getting so big. He is such a hunk! I loved your discombobulated post! And thanks for sacrificing so much! Just having Brian go to Iraq, is like... whoa...kind of scary, but, I realize that the guys like him and Scott are true heroes! Ryan and I want to know if Scott is going to be there when we come. We are getting so excited, and I'm so glad that we get to chill with you for a little bit!
Love ya, Jules

D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

Glad to see a post from you!!! I miss you guys - saw Janielle on Saturday at Stake training - made me miss you even more!!! Thanks for the wish for my mom! 71 ?! can you believe it - and did I tell you she's trying to get in nursing school? She's in a CNA program right now and taking other pre-requisites to get into the nursing program. Go Girl Go. (: love ya - take care!!!

ronee said...

Navy HALE Keiki Means house of navy children. It was started by officers wives back in the day...ment for children of navy familes. Haole is the common term for white. But technically it means foreigner!

Chrissy said...

You have such an adorable little family!! When do you plan on coming back to Pocatello?

Erin Wageman said...

ahhhhh!! I'm so excited!!!! I'm sure you know about what. I don't know if I could post it our not, so this is me secretly posting about it!! if that makes sense!! I wish I could come see you. I know last time I talked about you coming home this summer, you didn't think you could, well tell me if that changes!! Omie is a sweety!! I just tried to call Amanda yesterday to see how things were going! I'm happy that she is home. i just hope everything works out for her! tell me how things go! I miss your mama Romma! Tell her I said hi, well you could tell the whole fam that I said hi!! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

KIM!!! OH HOW I MISS U! we shared some great times in louisville kentucky until u bailed out on us :( jk love ya a lot a miss ya a ton PLEASE write me sometime lilyvanily07@yahoo.com or ncox@harrahs.com btw this is miss LILLIE