We have been on the Island over a year and a half sooooooo naturally its about time for us to say Goodbye to Hawaii!!! We are sad to leave our friends and the lives we have created here and will miss everyone a ton, but very excited to move to Idaho for a few months!!!! We could technically stay here until the end of the year but Scott is leaving for deployment at the end August or beggining of September and won't be home until a couple of days (literally) if we are lucky.......before baby # 3 is born and then we would be moving a couple of weeks after that. The reality of moving 6,000 miles across the ocean 2 weeks after a c-section with a newborn and 2 boys was a little daunting and being an ocean apart from any family the last 3 months of my pregnancy just didnt sound like much fun so naturally.... I decided to move home (Idaho) when Scott leaves on deployment. We are sooooo excited!!!! We haven't lived around family since we were newlyweds....I think this is going to be a great chance for the boys to get to know and love there cousins, aunts, uncles and most importantly grandparents much better!!!!! It will also be very nice to have some help wathcing the boys when I am 9 months pregnant!!!! We will be in Idaho until Februaryish..and then we will be on the move again to Washington state where we will hopefully live for a few of years! The longest we have lived anywhere in the last 3 years so we are getting excited to put down some roots of sorts...... Branson is starting Kindergarten in Idaho and is very excited!! Eli can't wait to sit in the Hot Tub with grandpa (such a sport!) and eat string cheese and Diet Coke (a tradition they started on our last trip home:::) {pictured above} Did I mention they love squirt guns too???? :)Anyone who lives in Idaho plan to PARTY with me!!!!!!!! (as much as a pregnant lady can)!!!!!!
We are way excited! Can't wait.
I'm excited to hang out with you. Craig and I sooo wanted to come to Hawii this summer, but it was just not the right time. bummer for us. Call me when You get settled here. 339-1411
I would love to see you and hang out!! Yay! Let's all get together with our kids and have some fun!
Wooo Hooo!!! I don't know when I'm coming, but I'm coming!!! Okay I haven't brought this up with the hubby, But its gonna happen! So you going to come to WA at all to see your soon to be home state (YEAH)! Good luck with the move home! Can't wait to see you...sometime!
That sounds like fun! I'll look forward to seeing you more often. Good luck with the move!
so you'll need to call us so we can get together. Maybe we will run into each other at Sam's Club in IF. Mason would love to see Branson and a pregnant Kim would be fun to hang out with too =) (Hyrum wouldn't mind it if you could help me remember how miserable it is to be pregnant because I am already forgetting.)
Rats. We missed our chance to see you in Hawaii. Enjoy being in Idaho. Hope it goes well for you. Nearly every day I wish I lived just even a little closer to family. Jim has considered taking a KAPL job at the Site out there. Who knows. Maybe we'll be in Idaho before too long too. Sundee keeps asking me when we are going to move there...
kim...email me at sundee_lewis@hotmail.com...I can't remember my facebook password (I never really used it after I set up the account)
Yay! You are coming back. I can't wait to see you guys. When will you be here so we can hook up?
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