As you can see 1 week before Chritmas it is sunny and in the 80's!!!! This sounds crazy and ridiclous but I am soooooo sick of the sun!!!!!! I love it when it rains because well.........there's no sun!!! Its a double edged sord because power in Hawaii is very fickle (to say the least) and a good down pour is likely to cause a power outage for about 8 hours and if a lighting storm happens....well, power is just out of the question!!! We had a horrible lightning storm (according to the locals, i had to work the night of the "horrible storm) which included all of about 5-10 lightning strikes (no kidding!) and the power was off at the hospital ( which made my night shift much much harder!!)for 10 hours and at our house for about 16 hours!!!!!! I can't believer it!!!! Anyways I just had to vent (i think its healthy!) sooooooo back to the Play, Branson was so excited and it was sooooo much fun to be there! It was sad that Daddy wasn;t able to be there( he was under the ocean in a submarine, but luckily made it home just before christmas!!) Branson is such a great boy and I know will turn into an amazing man!! He is soooo kind and generous and I am so blessed to call him my son!!! He will bring a smile to anyone's face!! Sorry the video is kinda...ok alot blurry but....I'm also posting pics so you can see he awesome outfit!!!
P.S. I am totally aware that the video is not 100% captivating and it may not be Oscar worthy but being sooooo far away from family this is the best way for everyone.....(pretty much Grandparents) to keep up with us so just keep that in mind while watching the star-studded clip!!
What a fun experience to live somewhere so exotic (I know I need to travel more), we miss you and those handome boys!
Love the shorts and shirt!!! He is growing up - wow!!! No longer our little buddy hangin out in his car seat next to B!!! Love and miss you!!!
The headband is awesome! Branson is getting so big!! David and Tabitha said they had a great time being with you guys over the holidays. Maybe one of these days we can come see you. When are you coming back for a visit?
Seriously though... do you miss the freezing cold??? You might think you do, but really??? I certainly don't atleast not yet. We are expecting our next assignment before too long. Brian deploys for 6 months in April and we should hear while he is gone. Who knows... Hawaii would be fun! Here's to dreaming. I'm not ready for somewhere cold yet. Branson is so grown up! It's just how crazy how fast that happens!
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