Sunday, October 12, 2008

HiKiNg in HaWaii

We live in one of the most beautiful states in the country so why not explore it???? We are going on weekly hikes now and are seeing some of the hidden beauty that Hawaii has to offer! AmaZing! This is known as the water-fall hike but as you can see from the pic the water fall is scarce. It is the dry season but soon the rain will pick up and the water fall will be much larger!


The Merrell Family said...

How fun. I lived on Kauai for a few years and I remember one part that I liked from that experience was hiking, hiking, hiking and swimming. I think a weekly hike is a great idea. How fun for you guys. Have fun making more good memories!!

Chrissy said...

Kim, you have such an adorable family!! I'm so glad you got back into your blog page and feel free to rome around on my page. We are really trying to plan a trip there next summer.We go to New York in June and would like to come see you in august or sept, we'll see.

The Rocks said...

WaaaHooo!!!!!! I'm so glad to see you back in the blogging world! I've totally missed you! The boys look absolutely adorable and you look pretty smokin' hot yourself! A little ocean water and some sun will do a girl good! Take care and I'd love to catch up with you soon. Love ya!

Erin Wageman said...

Hey Woman!!! just missing you guys like Crazy! But you look like you have been having fun! Tell me when you are in Idaho next!