Scott and Branson in the water getting ready to ski again...Branson tried water skiing and wakeboarding this summer and was such a good sport!! He is gonna be good at whatever he sets his mind to he is very athletic!!!

Anytime there was a free minute Branson would be jumping in the water!! This kid a a fish!!!!

We got these Kid's ski's at the begining of the season and the boys wanted to be pulled around on them through the house because they thought it was so cool and it became a frequent workout for me!

This was his favorite place to be on the boat......all the time.....Man I love this little guy!

Scott skiing:)

The one and the only..........ME!

Looking quite fine.....YUM!

Just before Eli and I got in the water for the first time before trying the ski.......he got up for one second and when he fell his face got wet and he absolutley hates getting his face wet and got really upset and would go again....until the next time we went boating:)

Eli surfing.......kinda!!!
To sum up what we have been up to this summer.......boating!!! We go at least 2 times a week and 3 if we are lucky, if I'm not working and scott gets home before 5 you can bet we are at the lake, living the good life....which later on turns into the sore life:( haha
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